Breast Cancer Support Groups

Support from friends and family is the best gift a breast cancer patient can receive, however, it can be difficult for them to relate because of the lack of direct experiences with the struggles and challenges leaving the patient feeling isolated.

Our support groups are meant to give people living with breast cancer a space to interact with other people who may be going through or have lived through the same experience.

We offer a community with the emotional support that is needed when one is recovering from breast cancer.

At CISS we understand that attending sessions in person can be difficult due to doctor’s appointments, home life as well as weaknesses from treatments. We have therefore set up online platforms where people can check in at any given time. As a way to reduce exposure to Covid-19, we encourage that people make use of these online platforms.

Workshops and Seminars

With the help of certified professionals, we offer workshops and seminars where we cover important information on

  • Breast cancer risk factors
  • Self-examinations
  • Early detection – strategies and importance.
  • Treatments
  • Home based care

Our workshops are open to everyone who wants to attend because in one way or another, breast cancer is a reality for all of us.

Breast Cancer Advocacy and Awareness

When detected early, and if enough diagnosis and treatment are accessible, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured. If detected late, however, remedial treatment is often no longer a possibility. In such cases, treatment may improve quality of life and delay disease progression, while supportive and comforting care should be readily available to relieve misery for patients and their families.

Our main aim is to conscientize as many people as we can about breast cancer so that it is not a mystery or something to be feared. We wish to see communities that understand and are prepared to handle properly breast cancer patients. We promote awareness through

  • Blogging
  • IEC/ Promotional materials
  • Co facilitation of cancer related meetings
  • Sharing our stories and testimonies. (See our stories section)

Psychosocial Support Services

The imminence of death can cause cancer patients and survivors of cancer to have emotional and psychological problems. We there provide lay counselling and group support to patients and survivors through our Cancer Locality Champions Programmers as well as partner organisations. We refer needy cases to professionals as and when necessary.

Health Awareness

We also provide awareness of the need to keep one’s health issues in check to enable African women migrants to in good health so that they may contribute meaningfully to the development of the communities they live in.